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Ramatex (Violet Apparel)

When one of Ramatex Group’s four Cambodian facilities closed in July 2020 - for unknown reasons - all 1284 workers lost their jobs. Ramatex Group failed to notify workers about the factory closure on time. On top of that, Ramatex never presented a legally valid reason for the sudden closure.


Nike is Ramatex’s main buyer and use to produce at the facility that shut in 2020; they also do business with 16 of Ramatex Groups’ other facilities.


Workers from Ramatex factory Violet Apparel call on

Nike-sponsored Matildas to support their fight. 

Nike and Ramatex, despite Cambodian labor law and despite Nike’s own Code of Conduct, refuse to pay these workers what they are legally owed in severance and damages: $1.4 million. Both companies have been made aware of the fact that they have acted against national labor law but choose to benefit from poor law enforcement in the countries they operate in. They choose to steal from workers - during a pandemic! - even though the pandemic never posed any real financial risk for these companies. In fact, quite the opposite: both companies remained extremely profitable throughout the covid-19 crisis. 

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Violet Apparel demonstration 1 July.jpg
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